Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 84: Change of Base

160:9 - 162:11

Ok, so blogger ate this post somehow. I had it written and published and poof -- gone to a better place. So I will reconstruct it as best I can. I had some nasty comment about the NY Times article but since my wonderful words are gone, I'll skip it with this version.

These two pages are more about the body and mortal mind. The first thing I underlined is

Unless muscles are self-acting at all times, they are never so...
Self-acting, self-will, self.

The next thing I underlined was:

The effect of this Science is to stir the human mind to a change of base, on which it may yield to the harmony of the divine Mind.
This change of base is a shift in my thought and it's working as long as I stick with it. I expect a solid course from point A to point B but it's more like a wavy line that gets less wavy as it moves from left to right.

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