Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 60: The School of Christian Science


In today's two pages, Mary Baker Eddy discusses the various schools of Christian Science and explains there is only one school. This was an issue in her time but not so much ours. Most offshoot groups don't want to use the same words. I can't tell you how many times people have asked "Oh, that's the Tom Cruise religion, right?" No. Totally different.

MBE mentions how CS has rules and laws and the demonstration of those. Any idea that departs for those rules is just human opinion - and not a demonstrable rule. But before she gets bogged down, she says:

The vital part, the heart and soul of Christian Science, is Love.

Then she states the four propositions of CS:

  1. God is All-in-All.
  2. God is good. Good is Mind. 
  3. God, Spirit, being all, nothing is matter. 
  4. Life, God, omnipotent good, deny[:] death, evil, sin, disease. --Disease, sin, evil, death, deny [:] good, omnipotent God, Life.

I added the colons because sometimes I get lost in the meaning of a sentence only due to its grammatical make up. This helps me understand how I think I should read it.

I think the most interesting item in the list, the one I wonder exactly what MBE meant, is Good is Mind. The others I get. Mind is a syn for God but why Mind? Why not one of the other seven synonyms? I think there might be something more here that I'm missing.

I don't think its something superficial like she's discussing schools of thought so she used Mind to tie back to school as opposed to Principle which would tie back to rule or law. I think there is something more there. But what?

I have a challenging day ahead of me on the personal front. Mulling this over will give me something to think about -- more than a distraction -- almost a lifeboat. Good is Mind. That's where I'll be today.

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