Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 72: Who or What heals?


This is a little longer wordcount to read today so if you need extra time, start early.

This section covers the idea of who or what healed. Some thought Jesus a medium for dead prophets. Jesus tried to explain this in two ways: his works and his words.

The first thing that caught my eye, and it does every time I see it is:

cycles of divine light
Mary Baker Eddy only uses the term cycles when referring to Christian Science twice in Science and Health and five times in Miscellaneous Writings. She doesn't explain it. I wonder if some of her writings in the library cover this.

The next thing:

He claimed no intelligence, action, nor life separate from God.
The reason this caught my attention was because I had to ask myself: Do I claim a separation from God? The answer is yes, repeatedly. Not intentionally but mistakenly. I need to work on that. It also made me think of my teacher instructing me to be obedient in this journal of reading for a year. Who am I obedient to and why?

Toward the end of this passage, Mary Baker Eddy gets to the meat of the discussion. Sometimes when I read this book, I would blast through pages at a time. I didn't concentrate or listen. It was probably a waste because I see so many things now, taking it slowly, a few pages at a time. I see themes, and subjects, and terminology, and emotion. I didn't see those before.

So the last sentence is:

He showed that diseases were cast out neither by corporeality, by materia medica, nor by hygiene, but by the divine Spirit, casting out the errors of mortal mind. The supremacy of Spirit was the foundation on which Jesus built. His sublime summary points to the religion of Love.
Casting out the errors of mortal mind is how he did it. And he based it on the supremacy of Spirit. That's it. That's the explanation. It's simple.

Last night I had a conversation with someone. It was both familiar and very disappointing. I wanted to cry at the end of it. I thought, wow, I really am depending on material conditions (a relationship) to provide not only my happiness but my fulfillment. I knew, I had to change that and depend on God. In the last seventy something days, he had shown me what a change in thought is capable of doing. I don't have all of it yet. But I have enough to pick myself up from a depressing experience and know that isn't the truth of who I am or where I am. 

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