Daily Work

If you are looking for some daily thoughts to guide your progress and guard your door of thought, here are some suggestions:

S&H 457:19-22 No excellence without labor

S&H 238:15 Unimproved opportunities

Ret. 87:7-14 (to.) Orderly demonstration

Mis 127:7 Pray daily

Mis 109:8, 30 Examine yourselves

S&H 4:17-22 Daily watchfulness

Man. 31:4-9 Moral Obligations

Man. 40:4 A Rule of Motives and Acts

Man. 41:19 Daily Prayer

Man 42:4 Alertness to Duty

My 237:13

S&H 442:30 Mental malpractice

S&H 496:1-5 No transfer of evil

My 128:30 Evil suggestions take no root

My 220:14 Each day

Mis 133:22

My 174:25-28