Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 74:


I underlined two items. The first is:

We shall obey and adore in proportion as we apprehend the divine nature and love Him understandingly
I italicized the words that meant the most to me. I am adoring more as I gain in this journal. That encourages me to keep going.

The next thing:

to set aside even the most cherished beliefs and practices, to leave all for Christ
This is probably were I need to constantly examine my thought for what beliefs and practices I'm continuing when I know (or don't know) that they are obstacles in my way.

As I mentioned yesterday, I've been working with the belief of irritation. Every time I found myself frustrated today, I would go back to realizing I was frustrated. Then I tried to think of that list of words on the other side against frustration: patience, trust, perfection, harmony, balance.

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