Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 118: Healing


Today's reading continues on with yesterday's idea of illusion of material sense.

The first idea that caught my eye was this:
...transgression of a belief of mortal mind ... causes the belief of sickness. The remedy is Truth, not matter, -- the truth that disease is unreal.
The idea of a transgression of a belief is interesting. An example would be don't do A, or B will happen. Don't eat nuts and fruits together, or you will get a stomach ache. I remember that one from childhood. The beliefs I have are like a script that has been running in my head for so long that I don't have to think about them, they just are. But I know they aren't correct. Changing a habit of thought is hard. I have to spot the thought first then replace it with a Truth. I've caught myself repeating these things to my kids. I have a few people that come into to care for the kids on occasion, they are of an older generation, and their scripts are much worse.

The script could be for both an apparently healthy or sick result. Exercise daily. Eat your vegetables.

Now that I'm looking for these beliefs -- there sure are a lot of them.

But if sickness and sin are illusions, the awakening from this mortal dream, or illusion, will bring us into health, holiness, and immortality. This awakening is the forever coming of Christ, the advanced appearing of Truth which casts out error and heals the sick.
I'm looking for action items for my own thought so this sentence popped out as a possibility. But I got stuck on the advanced appearing of Truth. Not sure what to make of that. Isn't Truth just always there? Is does it just seem advanced because it isn't a universally accepted idea? Or is this something like if we are always looking for it, it will be easier to see?

Then another action item:
...but God, Truth, Life, Love, does heal the sick through the prayer of the righteous.
I'm so totally glad I'm keeping this blog, writing notes in my book, and have my concordance handy. The prayer of the righteous is also mentioned on page 206 from Day 106. The prayer of the righteous is hope, faith, love and the idea for that day's reading was about loving your neighbor.

So is I may take a jump here, healing is accomplished by looking away from yourself and focusing on others -- helping and loving them.

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