Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 130: You go, girl!


Today is the end of this chapter. The idea that struck me is:
to begin aright and to continue the strife of demonstrating the great problem of being, is doing much. 
I've been thinking lately about the various projects I started. Some I let go and others I fight daily to keep but I'm only fighting myself. No one is suggesting I stop or change course. That includes this blog. If anything, people are supportive and want me to continue. They gain nothing from this. And at times when I have to choose what I will get done in one day versus what I won't, this blog is one of the items I consider. Why? Because it's a lot of work. Not in the post an idea daily way but in order to change my spiritual thinking, I have to continually pay attention to where my mind strays and why. If I want to change or perfect my model, I have to pay attention to what the current model is. I won't say I begin aright but I do continue.

I have a couple of other projects that are years in the making. Literally, years. And just now I'm seeing some progress. I know it is in direct proportion to the effort I put in. I didn't turn away. The quote above is a pep talk from Mary Baker Eddy."Keep going. Don't give up. The work matters." 

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