Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 106: Loving our neighbor


When we realize that there is one Mind, the divine law of loving our neighbor as ourselves is unfolded. 
Mary Baker Eddy goes on to speak of selfishness as a beam towards the side of error. When I feel the need to retract emotionally, I do act like I'm the only person on the planet and I don't care about my neighbor. I know it's wrong. This quote is just another indication to me that to grow spiritually, I won't be on the journey alone -- even it that is what I wanted. I'm an introvert by nature so including others isn't easy.

She also goes on to mention will-power and human will as subordinate to God's will and that will-power is capable of all evil. I already knew that but the subordinate to God part is tricky.

She also says the prayer of the righteous heals the sick, the prayer is: hope, faith, love. She sort of sneaks that in instead of making that the main point of the paragraph but I'm going to hold on to that one and think about it.

The last thing I marked was "whatever blesses one blesses all." I'm a Star Trek fan and the prime directive is ingrained in me. These two, MBE's whatever blesses one blesses all and the prime directive are in direct conflict with each other. But it gives me some real (t.v. real anyway) ideas on what blessing one is. It's unselfish and damn-the-consequences.

So I think I'll call that C.S. quote the C.S. Prime Directive. What do you think? Might be easier to remember that way.

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