Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 124: Visible Footprints


The reading today covers more of way marks of progress or steps back away from progress. The first and only way mark to indicate spiritual progress is healing sickness and destroying sin:

The substance of all devotion is the reflection and demonstration of divine Love, healing sickness and destroying sin. 
This statement has two parts: what has be to done, and what the result will be. To do: reflect and demonstrate divine Love. Will produce: healing sickness and destroying sin. I love when MBE makes it so clear and concise.

She also gives me a specific step to take:
Denial of the claims of matter is a great step towards the joys of Spirit, towards human freedom and the final triumph over the body.
How do people deny the claims of matter when sometimes matter is literally screaming to be heard? That's an honest question. When the claims are less than screaming or completely consuming, I can focus spiritually.

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