Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 132: God made man


I read this section looking for Love because that's what yesterday had. But what I found instead was an uplifting discussion of Man. When I was younger, I don't remember reading Science & Health and thinking how uplifting it was. But today, it struck me as very uplifting and also calming. Perhaps it is just my perspective but I will try to explain.

The first two things I underlined were:
inexhaustible Love
incorporeal Life and Love
So I'm still looking for Love but I started thinking about God as father:
Hence the Father Mind is not the father of matter.
Father's Love is incorporeal and inexhaustible. That led me to remember how sad I've been this year, drenched in regret over past mistakes. But even then, God still loves me:

Mortals have a very imperfect sense of the spiritual man and of the infinite range of his thought.
Guilty there.But then:
Through spiritual sense you can discern the heart of divinity, and thus begin to comprehend in Science the generic term man. Man is not absorbed in Deity, and man cannot lose his individuality, for he reflects eternal Life; nor is he an isolated, solitary idea, for he represents infinite Mind, the sum of all substance. 
So I represent the sum of all substance. That's a lot to live up to. But the reading today made me want to get there. Very inspirational for me. How about you?

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