Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 135: Mis-creation and Invisible Objects of Creation


Today's reading is about who the creator is: God or man. This is still a challenging question. I know the spiritual answer but there are so many little arguments that get in the way. I won't go through them.You probably have your own list. Perhaps a little tape that plays in your head when you are standing porter. But to remember the one creator and one creation is a great place to go when a spiritual or physical challenge is stalled. If you begin with God as the only creator and that he only made good, what you do you have? Good. Now find a way to see it.

Yesterday, I was definitely having a problem seeing it but I knew it would work out. Has it? Well, the situation isn't resolved but I'm committed to looking for the good that God created.

I marked:
As mortals gain more correct views of God and man, multitudinous objects of creation, which before were invisible, will become visible.
I'm going to say that the objects of creation, in my case, aren't physical, but spiritual and that they are becoming visible -- regardless of a bump in the road like yesterday.

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