Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 113: The reflex phenomena


I'm going to reorganize some of Mary Baker Eddy's ideas here so that I can explain what I got out of the reading. She explains the reflex phenomena as
Mortal mind produces its own phenomena, and then charges them to something  else, -- like a kitten glancing into the mirror at itself and thinking it sees another kitten.
She also says
No more can we say in Science that muscles give strength, that nerves give pain or pleasure, or that matter governs, and then expect that the results will be harmony. 
 So in my mind somehow that came out to be (my words below)
Mortal mind produces its own inharmony.
 And then the last sentence I underlined
... we shall never affirm concerning the body what we do not wish to have manifested.
I saw this as the same idea just said in a different way. Well now that I write it, it seems muddled but a huge light bulb went on when I pieced it together.

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