I’ve been stuck in CS for a while now. My daily grind of Mom-dom with two wee ones is all consuming. It’s easier than it was a few years ago but still I get distracted with the kids. So I’m reading to progress, which is what today’s section talks about.
Sin, reformation, and progress. Those are strong words. I have a good idea where I’m off track with sin. Gosh, I don’t want to even type that word.
I’ll focus on reformation and progress then. I’ve never bought the confessional idea as a way to reform. It’s too easy. It doesn’t feel right. Reformation means true change.
MBE goes on to discuss talents, work, and wrongdoing. The phrase that stuck out to me and always does stick out to me is: “
“Calling on Him to forgive our work badly done or left undone, implies the vain supposition that we have nothing to do but to ask pardon, and that afterwards we shall be free to repeat the offence.”I come from a long line of workaholics and I married one. Idle hands were definitely not welcome. Any difficulty in my spiritual direction, as suggested by my CS grandfather, could be handled with work-work. The idea was I should pray as I worked. It was cheating to think work-work got me farther in my spiritual work but at least I was doing something.
I keep going back to patience, meekness, love (I remembered this time) and good deeds. Love is still my sticking item in the list.
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