Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4


My Initial Thoughts
Prayer is the first main chapter in the Science and Health. When I started reading S&H as a child, I didn't realize how vastly different pray in Christian Science was from other religions. Now I think of Christian Science as a quiet religion because there is no chanting of prayers or other dramatic happenings. No beads. No candles to light. No incense.

How I read the passages

The passages in these two pages cover the motive of prayer (1st paragraph of page 2), the means of accomplishing the prayer (page 1, line 6-9), and most importantly what prayer is not (page 2, line 8 to page 3 line 3).

New Vocabulary for me

I looked up self-immolation. I had a sense of the word but I wanted to look at the actual meaning. I used which was the wrong thing to do - self-sacrifice. Then I switched over to and it got worse - hari kari or self suicide. I've always assumed it meant selflessness or unselfishness.

What Caught My Eye

"Prayer, watching, and working, combined with self-immolation, are God's gracious means for accomplishing whatever has been successfully done for the Christianization and health of mankind." 

I took class instruction a few years back. Sitting in a room of people reading Science and Health is great because I got all those different perspectives. Before class instruction, I would have quickly read over the following sentence. But my teacher pointed out a different idea on how to read it.

In this Internet age, we are used to bullet points and lists to feed us the important points so I read a list like this and see:

Effective prayer is:
  1. Pray
  2. Watch/Listen
  3. Work
  4. Be unselfish - put others first
Items 1, 1 and 3 seem straightforward to me. The third item in the list, work, is tricky. What does that mean to me?  It doesn't mean have a job, but it could mean have a purpose. Or it could mean do something, move forward, get on with it. Or it could mean put my thoughts into action. When the new ideas come to me, don't ignore them. Don't let them slide off into oblivion with the rest of the noise in my head.

My Journey So Far
So here is my 9th post on this blog. What do you think?

I'm still feeling my way through it. I've talked to a couple of people about this blog and the idea of reading the book in a year but I'm feeling very alone with it right now. I read the 2 pages at night and mull it over then blog the next day. 2 pages is nothing, less than five minutes. If I wasn't trying to figure out what to write in the blog, I probably wouldn't remember what I read. But now I have to slow down and think about it. I like that part - thinking about it.


    1. Thank you for blogging about S & H. I too have just begun reading the book and your blog will belp me think about it and understand it better. I think you are smart to take it a couple pages at a time.

    2. Thanks for commenting. 2 pages feels about right. Please let me know any thoughts you have as you read through the book as well.

    3. Anything that encourages thought is good. I'm sure I don't think about some passages that I've read many times.

    4. Great idea. Our teacher told me once that he would take in one sentence at a time and take it with him all day. That's just how amazing each sentence can be. I like your two pages too.
      I'm too non-conformist though and rely on moment-by-moment inspiration. I would get all antsy about the illusive 3rd page or get stuck on some sentence that I couldn't let go of. I will thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. I love your inspirations. Blessings to you! TLyn

    5. David and Tiff,

      Thanks for your comments. I'm surprised by how the passages are staying with throughout the day.

    6. I just found your blog this morning, and you have inspired me to start. I already have the Journal! :-)

      You may wish to use as your online dictionary source. You can even read from the dictionary that Mary Baker Eddy used: Webster's 1828 Dictionary. Just enter a word, and choose a dictionary from the list.

    7. Thanks for joining me and for mentioning I'll add a link to the 1828 dictionary on the links page.

    8. According to the 1828 dictionary, self-immolation would mean self-sacrifice.


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