Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 5


What Caught My Eye

Yesterday, I pondered the idea of work as a step to effective prayer. Today as I read the next two pages, the word WORK stuck out. I underlined it every time I saw it - 6 times. There a lot of words I associate with Christian Science but that is not one of them. Then I opened the Concordance and looked at how many times it was used there. Pages and pages of reference to the word WORK. Then I started doing my numbering with comma'd items in sentences as I explained yesterday. The three lists I found are at page 4 ln 4, page 4 ln 19, page 4 line 27.

So somewhere in thinking about it, here was what I got out of the passage: The work of spiritual understanding requires: 1) patience, 2) meekness, 3) love, and 4) good deeds. This work is expressed in daily watchfulness and demonstration the divine character. I can't change God with prayer. His work is done. I must work toward my own understanding of how to reflect his nature.  

That's a little muddled but at the time I read it and thought, "wow, that totally makes sense." I never got that before just reading the book.

A few hours later

So I've been going over the ideas in my head as I went about my daily tasks. I remembered WORK and I remembered the list: patience, meekness, something and good deeds. Wait a minute! What was the one I missed? Love. That's says more about me than I care to elaborate on. So now I'm focusing on WORK and LOVE.


  1. Keep going sister! Re-read The Greatest Thing In The World by Drummond when you have a chance. Its like good gravy for your meal. :)

  2. Hi Tiff, Thanks for the book suggestion. I should keep a page of all CS-related books that are being recommended to me as a result of this blog.

  3. Ok, have a "Other books" page where I'm catching these suggestions. I should say that can be anything - not necessarily tied to CS.


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