Well, once again the passage that struck me is also the passage listed in The Journal for these two pages:
"yea, it is the duty and privilege of every child, man, and woman, --to follow in some degree the example of the Master by the demonstration of Truth and Life, of health and holiness."
Progressing in Christian Science by demonstration is what I'm working on so that word caught my eye.
I did my listy thing:
- Truth (pg 466, line 13)
- Life (pg 468, line 25)
- health (pg 120, line 14)
- holiness (Webster's 1828 dictionary)
Then I started working on meanings for the words. The above list has notations in S&H for possible definitions.The citation for Life is the one that works best for me. The other three are more concrete in my mind. I wasn't surprised that the first two were defined (somewhat) in the chapter titled Recapitulation since this is the chapter used for class instruction.
From a spiritual perspective, demonstrating (reflecting) these qualities of God (Truth, Life, health, and holiness) fit nicely with the work I've been doing on harmony.
The one in the list that seems to be the easiest, for me, to forget or neglect is Truth. So while I think about the four items in the list today, Truth will take front seat.
Followup on Harmony
I've been working on harmony that last few days and I thought I would post the affects. My four year old daughter, usually a sweet kid, has been a bit much the last few days. Not like her but she goes through phases it seems. So the last few days from a material stand point have been rough, definitely not harmonious. I stuck with the thought that harmony was right there the whole time and that I needed to look for it and expect it. By the third day, her attitude changed. Not dramatically with a twirl and flourish that she likes but just one day it was hard and the next it wasn't.
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