Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 31


Today is the last pages of the chapter. The quote that stood out to me was:

Out of the amplitude of her pure affection, he defined Love.
So what this means to me is, that based on his demonstration of affection, he defined God since Love with a capital L in Christian Science is another word for God. So how do I demonstrate affection? By this, I assume we're not talking about some direct but generally pointless kindness like holding a door open for someone. To demonstrate affection is to say that person, no matter what they have done or where they are in there life is lovable and loved. Ok, I subscribe to the half-full glass side of the argument. Therefore I believe every life has value and the person is genuinely lovable and deserving of expressed affection. But how to demonstrate this?

It seems the answer is simple until the circumstance is not simple. That pretty much separates my response from the WWJD response. How do I bridge that divide?

So I'm still back to patience, meekness, love, and good deeds. There were other lists in this chapter but I feel like they are either on a parallel track or for the next step in my journey. If I can't demonstrate these four, how can I do any of the rest of it?

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