It is hard to sit here at the computer, typing on the keyboard, and not think of Haiti. I don't have cable TV or radio so I'm not constantly bombarded with the visual and audio material picture. But I have Facebook and Twitter, and some days, that's just the same. These big, world-changing events leave for a loss as to direction of prayer. I listen. That's all.
Today's passage continues with Jesus in the pursuit of understanding Atonement and Eucharist.
I always love MBE's use of story in her text - the friends setting off on a journey by rail, traveling together, or on separate paths. This is one of my favorites because the message is so clear. The last bit of the story with the passport never caught my eye before, but it did today - the material identity of the person. I always thought of myself as the thief with the passport. Funny which role I chose.
The passage that stuck out to me is
He [the disciple] constantly turns away from material sense, and looks towards the imperishable things of Spirit.
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