Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17


These two pages discuss the literal events and purpose of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. I found these two statements conflicting, and I cannot reconcile it in my thought so I am going to keep on it -
  1.  Page 26, line 30: His proof of Christianity was no form or system of religion and worship…
  2.  Page 27, line 28: Why do those who profess to follow Christ reject the essential religion he came to establish?
 When these contradictions happen in S&H, I
  1. get angry because I know I’m focusing on something that, in the end, will be insignificant to my spiritual growth, and
  2. distract me from gaining the insight I need.
On a more pleasant note, Hymn 40’s use of “feast of love” caught my attention. I have so rarely felt a part of a feast of spiritual love that the idea is oddly new and very attractive. Do you have any spiritual feast of love stories?

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