Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10


The passage today talks about meaningful prayer versus superficial prayer. Vain repetitions. It's easy to say any prayer, grab on to any passage from S&H in a superficial way and gloss over the meaning. The passage goes on to discuss how to be "present with the Lord" as

"obedience to the law of God, to be absolutely governed by divine Love, - Spirit, not by matter."

Love keeps coming up.One dictionary definition for love is gratitude.

Being present is a something else I've been working on. It's a hourly job I don't feel I'm succeeding at.


  1. A wonderful journey and adventure...I wish it was more easy to read and explore themes with others face-to-face.

    I hope to visit occasionally.

  2. Hi Robbie,

    Thanks for stopping by. A friendly "Howdy" is always appreciated.



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