Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 44


In today's two pages, Mary Baker Eddy discusses how spirits, ghosts don't prove immortality while that seems to be what spirit-communications is tried to do.

I underlined two things:

"Life, Love, Truth, is the only proof of immortality."

"In Science, man's immortality depends upon that of God, good, and follows as a necessary consequence of the immortality of good."

Popular Christian religions have this idea that you must behave in this life in order to get to heaven. This always seemed like the carrot in front of the horse. It didn't feel right nor did it seem particularly effective at making people behave.

The eastern religions focus on the now and skip the idea of later.

Christian Science says, in some ways, now and later are the same thing.

Today's goal: look for immortality of good.

Results from yesterday: In the morning sometime, just when things were falling apart with the kids' behavior, I tried to remember what I was supposed to work on. I realized if I couldn't remember it, I couldn't work on it in thought. It was nice that I had that direct correlation so I could bring my own thought back to where I wanted it. It took me a few minutes to remember and the by then the situation had resolved. That wasn't a coincidence but an expected result.

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