Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 38


Yesterday's goals where to recognize God's Grace and Truth. It didn't go as well as I hoped. I was at a party, and in a matter of five minutes at the end, I could feel a wall of despair fall on top of me. It wasn't until I was home later talking to my husband about it. I talked for twenty minutes about the party until I figured out what it was. I was jealous but not of anyone's material possessions but of their calm state of mind. As thought a question that is weighing in my thought was really nothing since they had already answered it for themselves.

I haven't been reading or looking ahead so I was surprised to find that today is the end of the chapter on marriage. That fits because Mary Baker Eddy discusses the end of the need for marriage in these two pages. She also discounts agamogenesis.She links marriage with procreation so directly and I must say, I don't. I think of marriage as a state of monogamous thought. Not a legal condition, or a piece of paper. Not a house with little feet running around.

The one phrase that I underlined was:

"Christian Science presents unfoldment, not accretion;"
If a relationship, any relationship helps me to better understand man's spiritual nature, that's unfoldment for me.

I've nicknamed two of the chapters so I thought I would keep a list of those names here.

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