Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 36


Yesterday, I had a nice visit with a new friend. It was genuine and loving. It was nice to have a few minutes where I felt that life was good. I had a great day.

Today's two pages deal with helping others and the impurity of marriage. The first sentence that I underlined was:

"Pride, envy, or jealousy seems on most occasions to be the master of ceremonies, ruling out primitive Christianity. "
I thought about this list and, in years past, I have had relationships where those were front and center. I have only a few relationships now that have an element of pride. Or is it just being stubborn and unmoving? Is that a form of pride?

The next passage I marked is:

"Honesty and virtue ensure the stability of the marriage covenant."
So the listy thing:

Stability of marriage covenant:
  1. honesty
  2. virtue
Those, in general, are easy for me. It's when my feelings get hurt or I don't think anyone is listening anyway that being honest feels like being naked. Virtue seems like a fluid concept across the landscape of relationships. One person's virtue is another person's waste of time. My own sense of honesty and virtue are definitely not were I want them to be.

The last quote:

"Experience should be the school of virtue..."
This caught me because I wasn't sure what Mary Baker Eddy meant by that. Its almost vague in that I could go a million different ways with the meaning. Do you have any ideas for me?

And at last, I did have to look up "lees:"

the sediment from fermentation of an alcoholic beverage

So goals for today: evaluate by pride and honesty in relationships. I had a good day yesterday relationship-wise so I hope today's goal will bring even more happiness.

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