Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 41


Today, I found the two pages clear and right to the point. It made sense and I wondered how I had forgotten that since class instruction.
“No correspondence nor communion can exist between persons in such opposite dreams as the belief of having died and left a material body and the belief of still living in an organic, material body.“

“There is no bridge across the gulf which divides two such opposite conditions as the spiritual, or incorporeal, and the physical, or corporeal.”

“Jesus said of Lazarus: “Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.” Jesus restored Lazarus by the understanding that Lazarus had never died, not by an admission that his body had died and then lived again. “
The thought of realizing its just a dream has been coming to me a lot lately to see through the veil of materialism.

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