Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 98: The Dream


In these two pages, Mary Baker Eddy uses two analogies. The first is the dream, which is one of my favorites. The second is the setting sun. For me, the point is about reality and understanding. Daily the five senses would have me believe a reality that is not spiritual but material.

I've been thinking a lot about yesterday's other Gods in my life. Here is what I underlined:

Sickness is a growth of error, springing from mortal ignorance or fear.
I'm going to assume my work is more on the side of fear, and less on the side of ignorance. This year, I've seen so much fear, not just in my life but everywhere. Most of the time it's little things that people do that they have been doing so long they probably wouldn't even recognize it. But sometimes, it's big fears: death, loneliness, lack of love.

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