Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 104: Our beliefs


I've read these two pages so many times in the last few days that I feel like I'm probably reading them too much. When I think of the chapters that come to mind easily and that I remember enjoying, this isn't one of them. Some how the middle of the book eludes me. So you may be surprised when I say that the only think that stood out to me in these two pages is:

Our beliefs about a Supreme Being contradict the practice growing out of them.
There are lots of good ideas in these two pages but they seem normal, run of the mill, if there is such a C.S. thing as that. But this statement seems packed with issues -- at least for me.

The next sentence I underlined, I also did the listy:

In the Science of Christianity, Mind -- omnipotence -- [1] has all-power, [2] assigns sure rewards to righteousness, and [3] shows that matter can neither heal nor make sick, create nor destroy.

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