Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 141: Matter and Spirit


Today's reading covers a lot of ground about material senses and  what materiality is and isn't. There are several sections I underlined but they seemed more to reinforce what I already studied. The only new thought I underlined was:
The senses of Spirit abide in Love, and they demonstrate Truth and Life. 
This might be the first mention of Spiritual senses in the book. I'm trying to dissect the sentence for greater meaning but I may be trying to hard. Any thoughts?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 140: Spiritual truth versus material errors of sense


I love it when the reading is on a single track. I can follow the idea and just go with it. Today's reading was on Spiritual Truth versus materiality.

Here is what I underlined, it speaks for itself:
There is no material truth.
Divine Science reverses the false testimony of the material senses ... Hence the enmity between Science and the senses, and the impossibility of attaining perfect understanding till the errors of sense are eliminated. 
God never ordained a material law to annul the spiritual law. 

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 139: Details


This is my second post of the day. The kids are still asleep and I'm enjoying my study time so I'll keep going. This reading has some details that are always interesting in Christian Science. The first is:
Meekness and charity have divine authority. 
These are dealt with in Chapter 1, Prayer already but mentioned again here. Interesting.

Neither emasculation, illusion, nor insubordination exists in divine Science.
The Sermon on the Mount is the essence of this Science... 
I must admit I'm a terrible bible student and the Sermon on the Mount isn't one I know well. The link above is to wikipedia. There may be better links for CSers studying the Sermon. If you know a better site, please mention it in the comments.

I'm off to study the Sermon.

Day 138: Semi-metaphysics


There are times, like today, that I think how many times have I read these pages and missed this idea? I'm so grateful for journal developed by The Mother Church. This read of Science and Health has been so much clearer and easier because of the slow pace and short readings.

These two pages are the first pages of the chapter titled Science of Being. The word that popped out to me was semi-metaphysics. Semi-metaphysics is the belief in both matter and Spirit, as a progression away from a completely materialistic belief system.

Then Mary Baker Eddy defines metaphysics:
Metaphysics resolves things into thoughts, and exchanges the objects of sense for the ideas of Soul.
Then in the next paragraph, MBE delves into these ideas of Soul as:
perfectly real and tangible to spiritual consciousness, and they have this advantage over the objects and thoughts of material sense, -- they are good and eternal. 
She ends this reading with:
One only of the following statements can be true: [1] that everything is matter; [2] that everything is Mind. Which one is it? 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 137: The end of creation


Today is the last day of the chapter titled Creation. It's only seven journal days and I feel like it might have been to short or I was distracted or it was ground already covered but consolidated into a single space and made relevant specifically to Creation. I feel like I missed something in the reading that I was supposed to get. If there is something in this chapter that you love, please let me know.

The two sentences I underlined were:
Perfect and infinite Mind enthroned is heaven. The evil beliefs which originate in mortals arex. 
Of course, I edited them into how my mind understood them:
Heaven is perfect and infinite Mind enthroned. Hell is evil beliefs which originate in mortals.
Mary Baker Eddy uses evil beliefs in a way here that, for 267 pages, I hadn't clearly understood. This makes me want to guard my thinking even more. I don't have any ideas of chapter nicknames. Do you have ideas or is creation clear enough?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 136: The Hour of Development


There are several things in today's reading that I would love to sit down with friends and discuss. So grab a chair and chime in when you want to:

The first one is:
The truth of being is perennial, and the error is unreal and obsolete.
The idea of perennial in Christian Science has always intrigued me. The definitions I found suggest renewing or lasting an indefinitely long period of time.But I tend to think of the gardening idea of coming year after year with some sort of dying back then period of growth underground -- unseen to material eyes.

Another one:
When this hour of development comes, even if you cling to a sense of personal joys, spiritual Love will force you to accept what best promotes your growth.
 The hour of development is so specific a period of time that I can almost feel Mary Baker Eddy's own journey of development. Many times what best promoted my growth was not the step I wanted to take. I doubt I'm alone in that. But most times I don't see it immediately. It isn't until long after that I see I tried to be willful when if I had just let things happen, everything would have been fine. I'm getting better a recognizing this in the moment though.

The last one:
This is done through self-abnegation.Universal Love is the divine way in Christian Science. 
 So what is this? Reading the paragraph up to that point, I could choose several things.  But in as concise a way as possible, what is this?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 135: Mis-creation and Invisible Objects of Creation


Today's reading is about who the creator is: God or man. This is still a challenging question. I know the spiritual answer but there are so many little arguments that get in the way. I won't go through them.You probably have your own list. Perhaps a little tape that plays in your head when you are standing porter. But to remember the one creator and one creation is a great place to go when a spiritual or physical challenge is stalled. If you begin with God as the only creator and that he only made good, what you do you have? Good. Now find a way to see it.

Yesterday, I was definitely having a problem seeing it but I knew it would work out. Has it? Well, the situation isn't resolved but I'm committed to looking for the good that God created.

I marked:
As mortals gain more correct views of God and man, multitudinous objects of creation, which before were invisible, will become visible.
I'm going to say that the objects of creation, in my case, aren't physical, but spiritual and that they are becoming visible -- regardless of a bump in the road like yesterday.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 134: The False estimate of Life


We, my husband and I, are having a challenge of a change in schedules -- yet again. I'm upset and not really wanting to deal with what I can't control and seems to be controlling me. So this line struck me:
They [mortals] will then [1] drop the false estimate of life and happiness, of joy and sorrow, and [2] attain the bliss of loving unselfishly, [3] working patiently, [4] conquering all that is unlike God. 
I've added the items in brackets. Item one was what caught my attention, the false estimate of life and happiness. That is exactly why I'm upset. My false estimate is hitting the ever changing schedule. But's its a false estimate so I'm going to try to find the true value of Life instead.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 133: Man and his thought


Today's reading brought me back to man reflecting God, as I am God's idea:

The Christlike understanding of scientific being and divine healing includes a perfect Principle and idea, -- perfect God and perfect man, -- as the basis of thought and demonstration.
Its so easy to remember perfect God but perfect man? No. The world screams the opposite as truth. But Mary Baker Eddy says this is the basis of thought and demonstration. I've heard and read a lot of people say they start with Genesis when working on a challenge. Now I think they might have meant this specifically -- start with perfection. I like that MBE tells me both in thought and demonstration.

This next sentence:
Immortal ideas, pure, perfect, and enduring, are transmitted by the divine Mind through divine Science, which corrects error with truth. 
I'm not sure if I'm the idea being transmitted (since I'm an idea of God) or if his messages are the ideas. I suppose it works either way.

Then, of course, the assignment for today:
Science reveals the possibility of achieving all good, and sets mortals at work to discover what God has already done; but distrust of one's ability to gain the goodness desired and to bring out better and higher results, often hampers the trial of one's wings and ensures failure at the outset. 
 Discover what God has already done.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 132: God made man


I read this section looking for Love because that's what yesterday had. But what I found instead was an uplifting discussion of Man. When I was younger, I don't remember reading Science & Health and thinking how uplifting it was. But today, it struck me as very uplifting and also calming. Perhaps it is just my perspective but I will try to explain.

The first two things I underlined were:
inexhaustible Love
incorporeal Life and Love
So I'm still looking for Love but I started thinking about God as father:
Hence the Father Mind is not the father of matter.
Father's Love is incorporeal and inexhaustible. That led me to remember how sad I've been this year, drenched in regret over past mistakes. But even then, God still loves me:

Mortals have a very imperfect sense of the spiritual man and of the infinite range of his thought.
Guilty there.But then:
Through spiritual sense you can discern the heart of divinity, and thus begin to comprehend in Science the generic term man. Man is not absorbed in Deity, and man cannot lose his individuality, for he reflects eternal Life; nor is he an isolated, solitary idea, for he represents infinite Mind, the sum of all substance. 
So I represent the sum of all substance. That's a lot to live up to. But the reading today made me want to get there. Very inspirational for me. How about you?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 131: On the first day...


Chapter 9 is titled creation and just as creation only took seven mythical days, the chapter is read in seven days. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be deeply symbolic or lightly comical.I choose the later.

After reading the section for today, the word Love struck me because in the last 53 pages (last chapter), divine Love wasn't so much on the page to me as concepts and ideas about materiality versus spirituality. A lot was covered in 53 pages but divine Love was not front and center. Or that is the impression I have. This chapter is going back to divine Love immediately in asking the question: Who is the creator? 

The exact section that caught my eye was:
Mind, not matter, is the creator. Love, the divine Principle, is the Father and Mother of the universe, including man. 
And then,
No form nor physical combination is adequate to represent infinite Love. 
In this chapter, I hope to dig deeper into divine Love.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 130: You go, girl!


Today is the end of this chapter. The idea that struck me is:
to begin aright and to continue the strife of demonstrating the great problem of being, is doing much. 
I've been thinking lately about the various projects I started. Some I let go and others I fight daily to keep but I'm only fighting myself. No one is suggesting I stop or change course. That includes this blog. If anything, people are supportive and want me to continue. They gain nothing from this. And at times when I have to choose what I will get done in one day versus what I won't, this blog is one of the items I consider. Why? Because it's a lot of work. Not in the post an idea daily way but in order to change my spiritual thinking, I have to continually pay attention to where my mind strays and why. If I want to change or perfect my model, I have to pay attention to what the current model is. I won't say I begin aright but I do continue.

I have a couple of other projects that are years in the making. Literally, years. And just now I'm seeing some progress. I know it is in direct proportion to the effort I put in. I didn't turn away. The quote above is a pep talk from Mary Baker Eddy."Keep going. Don't give up. The work matters." 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 128: Dreams


Dreams have always been a topic between my mother and I. Discussing them but not really diving in to their meaning or beyond. I think it was an easy conversation.I've always had very vivid and action-packed dreams. Sleep is important but if I don't dream during the night, I might as well have not slept at all. So these pages have a special meaning to me, namely that I'm giving something power that shouldn't have power.

The first thing I underlined was:
Sleep and apathy are phases of the dream that life, substance, and intelligence are material.
It's interesting that Mary Baker Eddy would equate sleep and apathy. As though being asleep is the same as not caring. There is probably a lot of truth to that statement.

The second thing:
Mortal existence is a dream; mortal existence has no real entity, but saith "It is I." Spirit is the Ego which never dreams, but understands all things; Spirit the one Ego which never errs, and is ever conscious; which never believes, but knows; which is never born and never dies.
This passage was already marked in the book when I got to this page. The page was also dog-eared. Ever conscious and understands all. I'll have to think more on that.

And lastly:
Is there any more reality in the waking dream of mortal existence than in the sleeping dream?
 No, I don't think so. But I think there is some freedom from materiality in dreams that is useful in a spiritual way. It almost as if shedding my waking state allows me to be brave in some areas of my spirituality. I don't know how to be more specific.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 127: What is the model before mortal mind?


I'm getting some wonkiness from the above link. It is technically correct but the spirituality website doesn't seem to like it all the time - fair warning.

Today's reading is a continuation of yesterday's but instead of dealing with time in terms of decay and death, these pages focus on the Spirituality of immortal man - the intangible qualities of man we strive for: grace, goodness, etc.

When I was a child and into my teenage and college years, these pages seemed as though they we re talking to someone other than me. Grace? Comeliness? These weren't qualities I was interested in obtaining nor did I see their value:

Comeliness and grace are independent of matter.
I have matured and found I gravitate to people with these qualities. I would add happy (or calm or a balanced life) and the center of harmony in that person's circle of friends:
the unchanging calm and glorious freedom of spiritual harmony
The last thing I underlined:

We must form perfect models in thought and look at them continually, or we shall never carve them out in grand and noble lives. Let [1] unselfishness, [2] goodness, [3] mercy, [4] justice, [5] health, [6] holiness, [7] love -- the kingdom of heaven -- reign within us...
Whenever I read the above section, I stopped at grand and noble.That was for fairytales and movies and heros. But now I have a different idea about who can be grand and noble and someday I might get there. The list of attributes helps me recognize what I need to work on -- uh, most of them. But I'm working on the model in my thought continually.and standing porter at the door of thought. Reading S&H every day helps with that. 

Day 126: What time is it?


It's interesting that today's (or should I say yesterday's) reading is about time. Last night in bed I thought, now which of my daily tasks did I miss. I can feel it but I can't remember. I thought I must have done my journal but I couldn't remember the subject material. Then I knew I forgot. But I seem to be reading ahead without meaning to. So today's reading had already had a one over in my mind. But I can definitely see that I'm ready to cover more than one day's reading and catch up to where I should be. Not sure if it really matters but that's my goal.

So today is about time, chronology, age, and the resulting decline. I think as a CSer, giving up of time or chronology is hard because it had so much sentiment and nostalgia to it. My baby's birthday. Great grandma on another mother's day with the rest of the mothers. High school graduation. All the events marked in the family bible. Who wants to give these up?  Who wants to forget where we have been or what challenges we overcame?

But with all this focus on back there, I'm terrible at living in the moment, quieting the mind and listening. All that stuff back there is distracting and doesn't have much to do with my relationship to God. And the regrets from back there weight on me and I can't progress. This year I have had tremendous regrets about choices I've made in the past. I need to perhaps not forget it, but learn from it and put it back on the shelf and go on. Which I haven't done yet. 

The story of the woman and her teeth always gives me hope. The prior moment when she didn't have teeth didn't matter. It wasn't real. She was made whole and complete and she realized that state. She was in the moment, not as history saw her but as she was. 


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 125: Age and Decay


The story in this reading is of the woman who never aged, waiting for her lover from youth to return. It is a beautiful story. I love Mary Baker Eddy's stories. She tells them well.

I didn't mark any passages because I have been thinking about age lately. I have small children and I have friends who are just past retirement. Most of the people I see are between the ages of thirty and fifty. So on a daily basis, I deal with three generations of people.

Society places a large importance on behavior, thinking, and speech based on age. Little kids can do all sorts of things adults can't do. Seniors, the same. So it is terrible hard for me to get away from the concept of age on any given day. Before kids, it seems like it was much easier to just be oblivious.

So I'm working on age. I want to respect the wisdom that comes with experience but ignore the material aspect of the effects of time passing. That's tricky.

What caught your eye?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 124: Visible Footprints


The reading today covers more of way marks of progress or steps back away from progress. The first and only way mark to indicate spiritual progress is healing sickness and destroying sin:

The substance of all devotion is the reflection and demonstration of divine Love, healing sickness and destroying sin. 
This statement has two parts: what has be to done, and what the result will be. To do: reflect and demonstrate divine Love. Will produce: healing sickness and destroying sin. I love when MBE makes it so clear and concise.

She also gives me a specific step to take:
Denial of the claims of matter is a great step towards the joys of Spirit, towards human freedom and the final triumph over the body.
How do people deny the claims of matter when sometimes matter is literally screaming to be heard? That's an honest question. When the claims are less than screaming or completely consuming, I can focus spiritually.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 123: Progress forward or questions back


I read these two pages and wasn't sure if I wanted to keep on the progress trail or ask a couple of questions on another, unrelated track. I like the sign posts about progress in the reading but I feel like I have a good handle on this at this moment. Tomorrow may be another story.

So I want to focus on two statements that make me want to know more. Any time I want to know more I have to juggle the literal vs. figurative ball, as well as the C.S. ball versus new age ball.

The first statement is:
The divine method of paying sin's wages involves unwinding one's snarls, and learning from experience how to divide between sense and Soul
I added the italicizing to show the exact words that I question. This chapter is titles footsteps so I wonder if the divided focus is meant as a footstep or the end goal. I expect to not have a divide at the end of my spiritual progress (whenever that occurs). Or is the divide MBE's way of saying you will have to separate sense from Soul in order to progress past sin. Ok, you can see I'm trying to read more into this sentence than the author may have intended. Is you have general ideas or specific answers via research into her writings, feel free to add that in the comments.

The next sentence idea is sort of new age-ish:
Mind is perpetual motion. Its symbol is the sphere. The rotation and revolutions of the universe of Mind go on eternally. 
I can think of challenges I might use this idea to help me with but some ideas should stand on their own, as is. So what am I to make of this huge idea? If someone with a shaved head and a white robe said this, I would think they were still living in the '60s. That's 1960s, not 1860s. Thoughts?

I've been thinking of chapter nicknames again. I think I might name this one, footsteps of progress.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 122: The Path of Progress


Today's reading had some wonderful ideas about the work and way marks of Spiritual progress.

The first ideas was about personal character:
It is well to wait till those whom you would benefit are ready for the blessing, for Science is working changes in personal character as well as in the material universe.
There are some changes I wanted to make in my character when I started this journal at the beginning of the year. Some were superficial and trivial. Some were deeper and more meaningful but probably only to me. While the list is far from complete, a couple of changes have taken place and I'm thrilled. They weren't hard. It was a natural change.

The second idea was:
Unimproved opportunities will rebuke us...
This is one of those ideas that I think my grandfather drilled into me since I was a wee kid. I do feel unimproved opportunitiues sharply. This is usually followed by someone saying don't beat yourself up over it. I would prefer to make the right choice the first time. I must listen better.

And the final idea:
To ascertain our progress, we must learn where our affections are placed and whom we acknowledge and obey as God. 
 My affections are in flux. One of those personality changes I'm working on. Nice to now I've made some progress.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 121: Availability of Good


The reading today discusses several things which I'm not going to address: the clergy, role models, and parenting. While these are important topics, that isn't what caught me eye. I'm looking for ideas that I have passed over until now or just enjoy the simplicity of.

Today's idea is:
...the availability of good as a remedy for every woe.
After a conversation with my husband about a situation, I became angry and afraid that not only was the situation not going to work out, it would have a direct and negative impact on me. Yes, I was that selfish as to think about myself. But, quickly, I did realize that this fear wasn't necessary and that I needed to look for God, good. The answer to the situation would be both a blessing and a step in the right direction.

Since I was already listening for God's ideas on this problematic situation, this above idea leaped off the page to me. Good, all by itself, was enough. Mary Baker Eddy defines Good on page 587 in the Glossary.

One of the things that I have enjoyed this year, a change in me, is that I can now spot problems in my thought I need to deal with before I'm silly enough to put those negative and fearful thoughts into action. Sort of a healing for foot-in-mouth syndrome -- most of the time.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 120: Perhaps you have ideas for me?


A couple of the ideas in today's reading stood out to me because while the ideas are simple, the implementation is not. The first is:
The counter fact relative to any disease is required to cure it.
Since the disease is a product of mortal mind, the counter fact must the be the individual's alone. What I mean is, while there are a collective group of diseases, the counter face to each one is specific to the individual that has the disease. Or more truthfully, doesn't have it. So when I'm working on a physical challenge, I do try to look for the counter face but sometimes so many ideas are running through my head, I think any of them could be a counter fact. I've tried several methods to find the counter fact in my thought but I could use some helpful ideas if you have them.

The second idea is:
Evil thoughts, lusts, and malicious purposes cannot go forth, like wandering pollen, from one human mind to another, finding unsuspected lodgment, if virtue and truth build a strong defence. 
Confession time. There is one thought that does seem to catch in my mind like wandering pollen. I've been married now for over ten years so he and I have gone through the friend cycle where they meet, marry, then divorce. I'm mature enough to understand some unions will not be permanent; mine generally feels solid. Once I learn of close friends ending their marriage (and the beginning of the bitterness), I begin to fear that divorce is catchy, like a cold, and the proximity gives this fear strength. I worry about my own marriage and begin to analyze it for shortcomings. This I need to end. I've working on it but I haven't conquered it yet.

Any thoughts to help me conquer either of these?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 119: Progress is the law of God


There were several ideas I underlined in the reading but only one I want to delve into:
Every day makes its demands upon us for higher proofs rather than professions of Christian power. These proofs consist solely in the destruction of sin, sickness, and death by the power of Spirit, as Jesus destroyed them. This is an element of progress, and progress is the law of God...
Since I'm reading Science and Health with the intention of a deeper reading and more direct spiritual instructions, these lines caught my attention. The last bit about an element of progress was the trigger. I want more than one element of progress. So I looked progress up in the concordance. I found two different lines. The first, found on 426:8-9, is:
When the destination is desirable, expectation speeds our progress. 
So another element of progress is expectation. I always forget that one (since it is almost too easy) but I've seen in proven time and again. The next one, found on 324:4-5, is:
The purification of sense and self is a proof of progress.
So another element of progress is purification. This one is the obvious and tough one.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 118: Healing


Today's reading continues on with yesterday's idea of illusion of material sense.

The first idea that caught my eye was this:
...transgression of a belief of mortal mind ... causes the belief of sickness. The remedy is Truth, not matter, -- the truth that disease is unreal.
The idea of a transgression of a belief is interesting. An example would be don't do A, or B will happen. Don't eat nuts and fruits together, or you will get a stomach ache. I remember that one from childhood. The beliefs I have are like a script that has been running in my head for so long that I don't have to think about them, they just are. But I know they aren't correct. Changing a habit of thought is hard. I have to spot the thought first then replace it with a Truth. I've caught myself repeating these things to my kids. I have a few people that come into to care for the kids on occasion, they are of an older generation, and their scripts are much worse.

The script could be for both an apparently healthy or sick result. Exercise daily. Eat your vegetables.

Now that I'm looking for these beliefs -- there sure are a lot of them.

But if sickness and sin are illusions, the awakening from this mortal dream, or illusion, will bring us into health, holiness, and immortality. This awakening is the forever coming of Christ, the advanced appearing of Truth which casts out error and heals the sick.
I'm looking for action items for my own thought so this sentence popped out as a possibility. But I got stuck on the advanced appearing of Truth. Not sure what to make of that. Isn't Truth just always there? Is does it just seem advanced because it isn't a universally accepted idea? Or is this something like if we are always looking for it, it will be easier to see?

Then another action item:
...but God, Truth, Life, Love, does heal the sick through the prayer of the righteous.
I'm so totally glad I'm keeping this blog, writing notes in my book, and have my concordance handy. The prayer of the righteous is also mentioned on page 206 from Day 106. The prayer of the righteous is hope, faith, love and the idea for that day's reading was about loving your neighbor.

So is I may take a jump here, healing is accomplished by looking away from yourself and focusing on others -- helping and loving them.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 117: The enslavement of Man


Today's reading continues yesterday's concept of tyranny but takes a subtle shift. Yesterday explained how the material senses are tyrants. Today's reading says the tyranny is an illusion:
The illusion of material sense, not divine law, has bound you, entangled your free limbs, crippled your capacities, enfeebled your body, and defaced the tablet of your being. 
As a writer, I like the use of the tablet of your being.I'm not sure if she is quoting something or this is original wording referring to either the commandments or the table where Abraham almost sacrificed Issac.Or something else. Anyone have ideas?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 116: The Civil War and The Senses


The paragraph on page 226, line 5 got me to thinking about when the Civil War happened in Mary Baker Eddy's history. I believe it happened during her time studying Mesmerism before she was healed right after the civil war. Please correct me if I'm wrong. So to me, the Civil Way, if I lived then, would be a major deal. So I can see where she refers to it but until now, I never cared where she was during the war or what she was up to. So now I'm interested. Which biography would have the best coverage of her thoughts on the civil war during the civil war?

Another thought I had reading these two pages was the point of the two pages: the tyranny of the material senses and our ability to end that tyranny. When I think of C.S., and the big picture words, I think of sin, sickness, and death. You can find those three in that order throughout the book. Then of course, there is evil and error -- two more popular words to work on. But the material sense have always seemed like the unassuming and blameless ideas in the mix. They are just in the wrong place at the wrong time, so to speak. They didn't do any thing bad, just not entirely good. But what these two pages say to me is that the senses are part of the problem and are not blameless.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 115: Spirit and Truth


The first sentence in the section totally grabbed me:
Matter does not express Spirit.
It is definitely a quote for the Beginning/Only Christian Science. The next bit that caught my attention was:
Spiritual rationality and free thought accompany approaching Science, and cannot be put down. They will emancipate humanity, and supplant unscientific means of so-called laws. 
Free thought is different from free/human will to me but how are free thought and free will different? Free thought, to me, implies changed thought -- allowing a person's thinking to mature or develop through change.  Free will to me implies a human will or stubbornness to changing thought. So I could reword this to say something like
Changing thought will free humanity. 
The last thing I underlined was:
No power can withstand divine Love.  
That goes back to the Beginning/Only idea. Another way to express it would be:
No power can withstand divine Love because Love is all. 
 I'm going to spend today working with that.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 114: Food


It's hard to be serious and spiritual when I'm hungry and just keep thinking up jokes about food. And of course, the entire passage for today is about food. Did I mention I was hungry?

I have had a challenging time with food all my life. When I moved into the dorm at college, I couldn't eat the food for 3 weeks. Dropped pounds. But then I finally got hungry enough that I ate. So there is definitely something for me to learn here.

The thought that stuck out was
In seeking a cure for dyspepsia consult matter not at all, and eat what is set before you.  

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 113: The reflex phenomena


I'm going to reorganize some of Mary Baker Eddy's ideas here so that I can explain what I got out of the reading. She explains the reflex phenomena as
Mortal mind produces its own phenomena, and then charges them to something  else, -- like a kitten glancing into the mirror at itself and thinking it sees another kitten.
She also says
No more can we say in Science that muscles give strength, that nerves give pain or pleasure, or that matter governs, and then expect that the results will be harmony. 
 So in my mind somehow that came out to be (my words below)
Mortal mind produces its own inharmony.
 And then the last sentence I underlined
... we shall never affirm concerning the body what we do not wish to have manifested.
I saw this as the same idea just said in a different way. Well now that I write it, it seems muddled but a huge light bulb went on when I pieced it together.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 112: The Problem of Being


Today's section reminds me of when the Sentinal changed formats a few years back. Before the change, the articles in the magazine were fairly deep and assumed a certain level of Christian Science education before beginning to read them. They were also written in a stiff and boring manner at times. Then, after the change, the articles were more introductory and lively -- almost as if they were C.S. for the layman. There were other changes but the overall complaint I heard was the "dumbing down" of the Sentinel.

I didn't agree with this point of view but I could appreciate that a deeper level of C.S. was no longer available in the magazine.

So back to the reading for today. Mary Baker Eddy is done with the introductory material. She has made her points on several levels and she is moving into the deeper logic of Christian Science. At this point, the reader is either still with her or will probably close the book. That's my opinion and mine alone. But I just wanted to note that we are headed into deeper territory here. Someone interested in attacking C.S. or not really interested in the Spiritual aspects of it won't understand or give latitude to the rest of the material. Since that's not my deal, I'll move on.

The first point MBE makes that I underlined was:
When mentality gives rest to the body, the next toil will fatique you less, for you are working out the problem of being in divine metaphysics;
The use of words "the problem of being" is well put. That is really what I'm working on. It would be difficult for me to sum up my spiritual status right now because it is so personal and taken a life time to get here and my here definitely not your here.

In the remainder of the passage, she has three ideas that caught me: false-talking, self-correction, and dismissal of error. In this passage, she is talking about physical or mental weariness. But, as with all her points, I try to apply it to what I'm working on or just a higher level.
Mortal mind does the false talking, and that which affirms weariness, made that weariness. 
That last bit, "that which affirms weariness, made that weariness" is the point I found interesting. Substitute weariness for whatever sin or sickness you are working on, and you get the idea. An example is "that which affirms the flu, made the flu."

Mary Baker Eddy provides the solution to this in two different ideas of self-correction and sudden dismissal of error. A nice process for ending my sympathy with error.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 111: Light and darkness


The light metaphor on page 215 has always been a special ah! moment for me:
Whatever is governed by God is never for an instant deprived of the light and might of intelligence and Life. 

And this:
We are sometimes led to believe that darkness is as real as light, but Science affirms darkness to be only a mortal sense of the absence of light, at the coming of which darkness loses the appearance of reality.  

These uses of light are a different way to present the concept of the only/beginning but it is my favorite.