The story in this reading is of the woman who never aged, waiting for her lover from youth to return. It is a beautiful story. I love Mary Baker Eddy's stories. She tells them well.
I didn't mark any passages because I have been thinking about age lately. I have small children and I have friends who are just past retirement. Most of the people I see are between the ages of thirty and fifty. So on a daily basis, I deal with three generations of people.
Society places a large importance on behavior, thinking, and speech based on age. Little kids can do all sorts of things adults can't do. Seniors, the same. So it is terrible hard for me to get away from the concept of age on any given day. Before kids, it seems like it was much easier to just be oblivious.
So I'm working on age. I want to respect the wisdom that comes with experience but ignore the material aspect of the effects of time passing. That's tricky.
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