Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 263: Dust


This reading covers a point I’ve been brooding over, namely what is a sentient being. It was an episode of Star Trek, Next Generation that stuck with me. The gist of that show was, did the machine/person known as Data, have rights as any other person. And the test was: is the being sentient? Of course, the television show had very specific legal wording for the test but the idea was compelling.

I’ve wondered what Mrs. Eddy would say along these lines as I read the book but I now see it’s a false argument, right along with the second story. She summarizes it in this reading with this question:

Was it requisite for the formation of man that dust should become sentient…

The idea of sentient being, in Star Trek (and current culture) assumes materiality as a starting point, and classifies it as sentient or not. In Christian Science, it is assumed no materiality as a starting point for all sentient beings (God’s ideas). Notice I said starting point. That’s what I’m beginning to realize is that this book is the mind shift to the beginning.

I’m beginning to see that only radical science moves me beyond the beginning.

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