Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 253:


There are three distinct ideas in this reading that stood out to me. The first was the section about Mind as intelligence of a flower or see. The way it is worded gave me the idea to craft my own fill-in the blank phrase:

The only intelligence of ______________ is God.

I’m going to use this idea and put my son’s name in today.

The second idea is that gender is mental and:

Gender means simply kind or sort, and does not necessarily refer either to masculinity or femininity.

This idea of gender if widely held and understood would the the world so much good.

The third idea is about spiritually ascending into understanding as Jesus did on the third day. I thought the way Mary Baker Eddy phrased it, “letting in the light of spiritual understanding,” was great. That the light is already there and we only have to let it in instead of keep it out.

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