Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 214: Symptoms Aggravated


Today’s reading covers two points that have become more real to me, instead of being a memory or a quote in the book.

The first is the idea that a person’s physical or moral state, while reading the book, will grow worse. Mary Baker Eddy says “these indications are favorable.”

For the patient, that’s not good but for the long-term, it doesn’t indicate a change happening in the mind. Well, that’s been the last few months for me. Random, weird physical problems have popped up. At first, they are alarming, then I lean back on my readings and my general arguments for practice. While I’m not quick about it as I should be, I do seem to get there.

The second idea is that all is mental causation. Lately, I’ve struggled with materiality, not just in the above-mentioned aggravated symptoms but in the more subtler ways of sin. Sin is a big word and leads people to think about the major sins but I’ve been working on the minor ones: selfishness, and self-centeredness. These are delicate in the balance of the whole parent-child structure of my life where everything feels like it happens because, for or with the kids. Where is the me time? I’ve been working a lot more on harmony and that being a mental status as well.

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