Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 29: The Real Cross


Mary Baker Eddy explains the superficial, material cross Jesus bore and the spiritual, real one. The crucifixion is the material and the hatred of Truth and Love is the spiritual.

Following that line of the spiritual cross further, who or what hates Truth and Love? Sticking to a non-material line of reasoning, the people or place involved isn’t the hater. It has to be something non-material. Perhaps animal courage, animal magnetism?

To me, it is about someone being different, possessing something different. Jesus didn’t flow with the crowd, he built a new crowd. He didn’t follow the rules, he revealed them for what they were. He attracted with Love, not control. He healed, instead of abused.



  1. Thank you for your comments Dina. Today it reminded me of a CD I was listening to entitled Animal Magnetism. And how we need to handle or defuse the belief that there is an opposer to the All God or good. There is no power opposed to God.

  2. Anon,

    Thank you for that reminder.



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