Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 229: Misc Instruction


This reading has several disjointed ideas about teaching students, at first glance. I think MBE is trying to cover a lot of details at once. She covers sin, sickness, and moves on to the important, higher aspects of Christian Science.

The last few pages, perhaps even into the last chapter, mention honesty over and over. This reading discusses honesty with yourself – knowing yourself before you expect to know a patient. I think that is what I’ve been working on but I don’t think I’m done with it yet.

Her higher Christian Science aspects include:

That evil or matter has neither intelligence nor power, is the doctrine of absolute Christian Science, and this is the great truth which strips disguise from error.

Love for God and man is the true incentive.

Wait patiently for divine Love to move upon the waters of mortal mind, and form the perfect concept.


  1. It's great you are enjoying your reading so much.

  2. Hi Anna,

    Thanks for letting me know.

    Kind regards,


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