I can tell by flipping through the journal that there are only a few pages left of this chapter. I'm not keen on that and I'll probably read it through a few more times but I probably shouldn't stop altogether. Do you have chapters like that right now? Just want to stop and read it over again?
Yesterday I ended on a need to work on fear. Today's reading continues along the line of what a mortal body is and isn't. I'm not going to say it as well as Mary Baker Eddy but she does make a couple of points that struck me.
As mortals give up the delusion that there is more than one Mind, more than one God, man in God's likeness will appear, and this eternal man will include in that likeness no material element.The point about more than one God has always struck me more of a them kind of issue. Those Gods over there. But last night I got into a fight with my five year-old and in hindsight it was entirely of my own making because I wanted to control an uncontrollable situation. I wanted to be a God. Not in any thunder and lightening kind of way, but in the "my way or the highway" way. It was stupid and I'm sorry it happened. And the best part about the whole affair is that I realized the God of my making wasn't something outside myself but was me. Mary Baker Eddy talks about this but until last night, I didn't realize I was doing it. I have serious control freak issues which totally have to do with fear and anger. All I can say is I'm working on it.
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