Yesterday, I mentioned group thought. At church yesterday, we had a guest soloist. He gets up to join in the first hymn and I'm missing the other soloist, then he starts to sing. I think the entire church collectively, as a group, was overjoyed. Then when he sang his solo, it was as if the finest Tenor on the planet was in the church. The room was filled with group appreciation for this man's voice. I've never heard anyone sing like that except on a professionally produced music cd.
Today's two pages discuss how to approach the patient mentally. I noted this:
Whoever reaches the understanding of Christian Science in its proper signification will perform the sudden cures of which it is capable; but this can be done only by taking up the cross and following Christ in the daily life.I need to add more love and less rules to my daily life. I already knew this but it's nice to be reminded.
Immortal Mind heals what eye hath not seen; but the spiritual capacity to apprehend thought and to heal by the Truth-power, is won only as man is found, not in self-righteousness, but reflecting the divine nature.I'll work on reflecting the divine nature of Love today. How about you? What do you want to reflect today?
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