Well, now. Adam and Eve get a talking to – don’t they. The 2nd Story God lays down the punishment.
The woman will multiply her sorrow, her only desire to serve her husband, and he (her husband) shall rule over her. God just made man the god of woman. So now there are many gods.
Mary Baker Eddy’s response is right on:
Divine Science deals its chief blow at the supposed material foundations of life and intelligence.
The material foundation are not only how man is created but how man and woman are to live, which in Science is in harmony, with only one god – God.
Then God turns to man and says he can’t eat of that tree anymore, man can eat herb of the field, bread. Ok. so why isn’t this passage (Genesis 3:17-19) taken literally if so many religions want to take Genesis 3:16 literally? Just bread for man.
Then Mary Baker Eddy sums up what this 2nd Story God did:
The illusion of sin is without hope or God.
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