In yesterday’s reading, Mary Baker Eddy wrote that mere opinion is valueless. Well, today, here I am giving my opinion to her question in today’s reading:
Why should one refuse to investigate this method [Christian Science] of treating disease?
She states that allopathy and homoepathy are fashionable but I, from my own experience, think there is a deeper issue. Prayer and understanding are work. To remember why it is that God made us whole and how we came to that understanding means we have to take time (a few minutes? a few hours?) to go down that road again, if we have forgotten it. For a non-CSer, they have to take time to get there. Who has that kind of time? It seems faster to take a pill, let the doctor do the thinking. I don’t think it was fashion that made Christian Science healing appear less, I think it was the commitment it required. I speak from experience. I don’t want a lot of work, I just want to be healed. I’m not proposing CS doesn’t heal, it does and has for me. But there might be more than fashion to the reason. What do you think?
Meekness is mentioned several times in the reading. I gather that I might not have a deep enough understanding of the word to figure out why this word is being used. The point that I knew I missed was:
submission to divine will
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