Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 59: Principle and Practice


These pages continue Mary Baker Eddy's discussion of how she came to discover Christian Science. The two passages I marked are:

The three great verities of Spirit, [1] omnipotence, [2] omnipresence, [3] omniscience, - Spirit possessing all power, filling all space, constituting all Science, - contradict forever the belief that matter can be actual.
And -

The Principle of divine metaphysics is God; the practice of divine metaphysics is the utilization of the power of Truth over error; its rules demonstrate its Science.

MBE also states reason and revelation were reconciled for her as part of her journey. That sounds very close to a line I marked on Day 50. The idea of these two ideas tied together and then repeated within 20 pages of each other means something. I never picked up on this connection before.

MBE states she used only the Bible as her textbook. I've never read the Bible all the way through - any version.

As the material in the chapters gets to this stage where new concepts are introduced -- or I didn't pay attention one of the many times I read the material before -- I have to slow down and think about what is pinging around in my head. Jumbled thoughts point somewhere but not at first. So I may ramble more than usual.

Words I looked up:

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